11 useful methods accompanied by video materials will help you to adapt to the changes in the job market and find the most suitable job or direction of self-improvement for you;
When we fulfill our potential, we help not just ourselves, but everyone and everything around us – family, country, even Africa.
Do you have a feeling that the job you are doing is not really yours – you lack passion, inspiration and sense of purpose?

Approved by thousands;
The most effective way to find your passion is an online game!
NEXT GAME BEGINS 02.03.2021!
Gain access to the knowledge of thousands of people on how to improve your existing
work experience or find your true path!
15 - 30 DAYS,
Play where, when and for how long you wish – from as little as 3 to as
many as 60 minutes per day.
“If your work needs a change, I suggest you give this game a try. These are great methods for getting to know, develop and motivate yourself. They will help you if you are stuck in a dead-end on your way to finding your true passion in life.”
“If I had had the chance to play this game three years ago, I would probably have much more success and financial stability in my life already. When I was in Spain, people around me started noticing great improvements and asked me how to play and whether there was a chance to play it in English.”
How the game works?
Get access to 11humans network with your personal game room.
Receive a net method and video materials every day.
Every day, till 15:00, complete and submit the tasks.
While doing the tasks, you will discover more and more about your interests and passions.
Every task you complete on time gives you rewards that you can later turn into a discount on our courses.




Do you feel a lack of passion in your job, no sense of meaning and fulfillment anymore? You might be feeling that Your job and future potential are at risk – because the global trends are unbelievably rapidly changing the job market?
Approved by thousands

Learning coach, lecturer
As a learning coach, he has consulted and created learning courses for big organizations like Circle K (Canada), Swedbank (Sweden), British Council (England), AirBaltic (Latvia) etc. He has helped more than 23 000 people on their self-improvement journey. u.c.

Anna Rozite
TV presenter
I expected the course to provide me with concrete practical methods which is what I received. The learning course was highly useful, and it helped that the methods were practised alongside other participants.
What will you gain?

1. You will learn how to find your real job
2. You will have access to the game and all the tasks for 1 month
You will be able to access the game for one month from the start date. It is a great opportunity to repeat and practice the methods and discover what works best for you!
Pushing yourself to do things with willpower can be good sometimes, but will not work in the long term;
The participants who will complete all the main tasks on time, will receive a special reward – a 15% discount on any “11humans” learning game!
11humans Emotional intelligence journal
What will you gain?
A smart and efficient choice if “deadlines” help you complete tasks. 95% of participants who pick BEE as their avatar reach their goals. If you miss the deadline for even a single main task (you have 24 hours to complete them and must hand them in by 14:59), you are locked out of the game. The power of deadlines and the determination of a BEE will drive you towards success!
A smart and efficient choice if you feel like playing in your own time because this avatar offers immunity in the game! The participants with the EAGLE avatar will not be locked out of the game. You can take as long as you need to complete the tasks throughout the month. You’ll be as free as an EAGLE in the game!
What will you gain?
A smart and efficient choice if “deadlines” help you complete tasks. 95% of participants who pick BEE as their avatar reach their goals. If you miss the deadline for even a single main task (you have 24 hours to complete them and must hand them in by 14:59), you are locked out of the game. The power of deadlines and the determination of a BEE will drive you towards success!
A smart and efficient choice if you feel like playing in your own time because this avatar offers immunity in the game! The participants with the EAGLE avatar will not be locked out of the game. You can take as long as you need to complete the tasks throughout the month. You’ll be as free as an EAGLE in the game!
Prizes for best players

1st Place
Individual consultation with trainer
60 min

Free givaway
Learning journal about 21st century skill
Emotional intelligence
Want to make sure this game is
for You?
This game WILL be suitable if:
You already have a job, but feel out of place there;
Your job has become mundane and you lack motivation;
You feel that the changes in the global job market (also the pandemic, AI, automatisation) are threatening your professional position;
You are a new mother in need of a change in workload when transitioning back to work after parental leave;
You are an entrepreneur who dreams about starting your own business but don’t know where to start;
You are without work, not knowing what direction to take;
You are a young person struggling to decide which study program or professional direction to choose.
You know that work should not only be a source of income but should also bring you joy and fulfillment;
You are a leader who wants to understand how to better motivate your employees (we suggest completing the first two levels of the game).
This game WON'T be suitable if:
You are perfectly happy with the job you have (we are sincerely happy in that case!);
You believe a job is only there to make you money and has nothing to do with passion and a sense of happiness;
You believe that finding your “real job” is a matter of luck and you cannot affect it;
You do not believe that finding a greater purpose in what you do is necessary;
You are sure that your job will not be affected by the changes caused by the pandemic and the growing role of artificial intelligence in the industry you work in.
This game WILL be suitable if:
You already have a job, but feel out of place there;
Your job has become mundane and you lack motivation;
You feel that the changes in the global job market (also the pandemic, AI, automatisation) are threatening your professional position;
You are a new mother in need of a change in workload when transitioning back to work after parental leave;
You are an entrepreneur who dreams about starting your own business but don’t know where to start;
You are without work, not knowing what direction to take;
You are a young person struggling to decide which study program or professional direction to choose.
You know that work should not only be a source of income but should also bring you joy and fulfillment;
You are a leader who wants to understand how to better motivate your employees (we suggest completing the first two levels of the game).
This game WON'T be suitable if:
You are perfectly happy with the job you have (we are sincerely happy in that case!);
You believe a job is only there to make you money and has nothing to do with passion and a sense of happiness;
You believe that finding your “real job” is a matter of luck and you cannot affect it;
You do not believe that finding a greater purpose in what you do is necessary;
You are sure that your job will not be affected by the changes caused by the pandemic and the growing role of artificial intelligence in the industry you work in.