Switch off your mind! It's healthy!

During the practice, you hear the audio, spoken by Zu, which allows your body and mind to rest deeply!

In these 19 practices, Zu has combined methods that have helped him get out of regular burnout - from yoga-nidra, mindfulness practices, breathing and visualizations.

Reserve my spot
  • Velta Popa

    After meditation i have a fabulous sense of lightness. I can recall this feeling at any time during the next day. It is like my hidden battery for the next day!

  • Santa Zemīte

    This is so magical! The mind calms down during meditations and the sleep afterwards is very good. When you practice often, you feel a greater effect of peace in everyday life as a whole. Imagination in these practices is truly a miraculous tool for regeneration.

Regain power everywhere!

People use these practices at home, on a park bench, while traveling...
Practice at your own pace, when you want.

Do you need some energy boost?

Zuargus knows from his experience how low energy impacts lifes: "Working with more than 40,000 students, I noticed that the biggest influencers of well-being are anxious responsibility, self-underestimation, inability to relax deeply. It impacts everything in our life".

Meet your mindfulness trainer, Zu

"Let me say it as it is.
Life without energy is really, really hard!
And i know how it feels!
At the beginning of my career, I often "burned out" at work twice a year. No spark, starting to loose motivation and sense of meaning. Total survival mode!
Then after 15 years in yoga, meditations and working as a mindfulness trainer for leaders, CEO's i found most effective ways to help myself. This methodology allows you to effectively "switch off our brains" to allow body to organize itself, to restore itself."
In 12 years, Zuarguss worked as a lecturer with more than 40,000 students on stress management, mindfulness, and communication methods!

We have some bonuses for you!

We loose energy and our life power in difficult relationships, while being at work we don't like, or having big stress at work or at home....
Therefore we give additionally 3 more courses that can help you immensely.
As they have helped >50 00 people!

Customer Reviews

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Energy levels impacts
EVERY ASPECT of our lifes.

Therefore we will give you additional support!
You will also have access to all our courses that you can use for getting your energy back - about awareness, how to work with your subconscious fears, how to build healthy habits, how to find your passion.
We are here for you to succeed, so we give the best we have!

To boost your energy - 3 courses as bonus, as support for you!

"TRANSFORMĀCIJA CIEŅĀ". Vadītās meditācijas, kas ļauj dziļā mierā pakāpeniski mazināt mūsu destrukciju pret sevi vai kādiem dzīves aspektiem. Ļauj uzlabot mūsu attieksmi zemapziņā pašiem par sevi un mūsu dzīvē svarīgākajiem cilvēkiem!

"ATRODI SAVU AIZRAUŠANOS" 1. un 2. līmenis. Divi kursi, 25 metodes - palīdz izprast kā veidojas Tava motivētība, kā atrast "savu darbu", kā atjaunot jēgpilnības sajūtu.

"FLOW". Kurss ļauj saprast, kuras aktivitātes Tev visefektīvāk ļauj atjaunot fiziskos un mentālos spēkus. 7000 cilvēku Latvijā apguvuši šo metodiku ar 98% pozitīvu novērtējumu.



"PRANAYAMA" prakses


  • Mara, practised 20 days

    These methods have a magic wand effect, so restorative and soothing! I have started making them before going to sleep - I fell asleep with a feeling of peace, I woke up even more peaceful and refreshed 🫶

  • Biruta, practised for 8 weeks!

    I really enjoy this feeling of renewal! I practice in the evenings in moments of fatigue and anxiety and calm myself down - you really don't have to do anything, just switch off, peace has such power :)

  • Baiba, practised for 19 weeks

    I practice mostly at home, but sometimes also outside in nature - it relaxes me perfectly. I like that in this practice there are moments of silence when you can go deeper into that sense of peace, disconnect from everything